Friday 15 March 2013

My Winter survival Kit

We've done it! Its almost spring! I can't wait for the suns rays to finally hit us and deliver some much needed vitamin D. My skin always gets super dry during the winter and I have to rely on lots of moisturisation to make it through the colder months.
So I wanted to share some products I've been using to keep my skin nice and hydrated. I'm still using them now, many are all year round goodies.

In the winter survival kit:

No.7 Beautiful Skin Melting Gel Cleanser £9.00 for 150ml - This a staple in my skincare regime, I was amazed the first time I used it and found really gentle on my skin which can be quite sensitive to products. It comes out the bottle as a gel that melts into an oil when applied to skin, then washed off with a damp muslin cloth leaving skin clean and soft. It contains rose hip oil which locks in moisture, bonus!

No.7 Beautiful Skin Hydration Mask for dry skin £12.50 for 100ml - Another new product for me when my skin needs a boost when the cold winds have been attacking it. I normally use this once a week after cleansing. The lid is notoriously tricky to get off the first time round, I was sure it was broken but alas I'm just weak. You smooth the swirly cream onto your face, leave for up to 5 Min's then wipe away with cotton buds. I usually have a quick rinse as well.

Soap and Glory Hand Food hand cream - £7.00 for 250ml - Pretty self explanatory, I use this all the time, it was part of a set with hand wash I received for my birthday in AUGUST. It lasts FOREVER, seriously. I had to encourage my mum to use it as well and mentioned the benefits of hand cream to my carpenter brother who suspiciously put it on and admitted it smelt nice.

L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream £8.00 for 30ml - Another hand cream, super moisturising containing honey, sweet almond and Shea butter, handy for my bag when I'm out and about.

Clinque Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief £32.00 for 50ml - I love this! It's the best moisturiser I've used and leaves my skin so soft and happy. It is expensive so I have to rely on samples from beauty counters to keep me going ( the benefits of having a nan who used to work in a department store *wink*). I wish they did a smaller size though, it would be more travel friendly.

What hero buys have you been surviving on this past winter? Have you used any of these? Let me know!